Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 9 - The Promised Land

Our symbol today is a cluster of grapes (Thank you Amanda K. and girls!). These grapes represent the bad choices the Israelites made listening to their own hearts rather then listening to God. Our reading was in Numbers. (Numbers 13-14:38). Last year we did an in-depth history study of the ancient civilizations, so we all easily recalled the foolishness of the Israelites leading to their wandering in the desert for 40 years. God never abandoned his people, in spite of their failures to obey him. Out of this broken remnant came a King, through David, who was Jesus Christ. Once again, the Lord prevails. Our brokenness for his glory! This theme repeats itself through history over and over again and is most prevalent in our lives to this day.

I'm participating in the Celebrating The Season Blog Carnival. Join in! Thankyou Molly for putting this together.

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